I have been a little MIA on this blog and in life. A week ago, my friend shared a sourdough starter with me. I never had one before so I did not quite know what to expect. Nurturing a sourdough starter does take some work- it has a regular feeding schedule and needs to be fed very specifically. I did not do so well keeping my herb garden alive, so I was slightly worried that my sourdough starter could potentially not last very long either. I took a chance on this new venture. Since things are, well, very uneventful right now, I figured I could manage taking on the responsibility of being a new sourdough starter mom. It has been great. I have made four loaves since I got the starter last week. Of course, we can't eat that much bread, so I have been distributing the sourdough goods to anyone who wants a loaf. I recently experimented with making an olive sourdough loaf which turned out delicious. My first thought after making the olive loaf was how great it would be paired with a sha...